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WAIWAIはクラスレッスンとプライベートレッスンを 組み合わせた授業で学習者のニーズに応えています。



初級1・・・基礎文法や基本文型を2時間で学ぶクラス。               ひらがな・カタカナを学ぶ準備クラスもある。

初級2・・・文型を積み上げ、挨拶、買い物、交渉など簡単な       日常会話を取り入れる。クラスレッスンは90分。

中 級・・・自然な日本語を身につけるため、場面にあった表現や       話し方を学ぶクラス。

中上級・・・日本の文化、社会をテーマにした会話中心のクラス。 上 級・・・新聞、時事ニュースなどを教材として使い、ディス       カッションやディベートも行うクラス。




日本語グループWAIWAIでは、クラスレッスンの振り返りをしたのち学習者の希望する内容で(日常会話の練習や日本語能力試験の受験準備など)プライベートレッスンを行っているクラスもあります。レッスンはボランティア1人に対して学習者1~2人程度で 行っており、ペアの固定はありません。

WAIWAI meets the needs of the learner by the class that combined a private lesson with a class lesson.

●Class lesson
It is a group lesson divided into all five classes from the beginner's class to the upper grade.
Grammar basic as for beginner's class 1 and the class which learn a basic sentence pattern in two hours. There is the preparations class to learn a hiragana letter, katakana. Beginner's class 2 piles up a sentence pattern and adopts greetings, shopping, the simple daily life conversation including negotiations. The class lesson is 90 minutes. The class which learns expression and speech in accord with the scene to acquire Japanese that the intermediate is natural. A conversation that the middle upper grade featured the theme of Japanese culture, society-centered class. The class which the upper grade uses a newspaper, the current events news as the teaching materials, and performs a discussion and the debate.

●Private lesson
It is a personalized lesson depending on the Japanese level of the learner, needs.

There is the class giving lessons in a private by the contents which the learner hopes for after having done the swing upset of the class lesson in Japanese group WAIWAI (examination preparations for exercise of the daily life conversation and Japanese ability examination). The lesson reaches at person from learner 1~2 degree for one volunteer, and there is no fixation of the pair.

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